How to make capacity graph of a production line?


Making Capacity graph of a production line very easily.


To monitor the production, supervisor need to know the capacity of every operator of that line. Sometimes operator not giving target properly. Then work study officer / floor responsible IE has to show the capacity & help supervisor to get the pcs.

Now we will discuss about Capacity study:

Required tools:

  • Stopwatch
  • Study Sheet
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Clipboard

After arrange all those things, go to the line. Write down all the operation name on study sheet with operator’s name & ID by maintain sequence. Take 5 consecutive cycle time from each operator using stopwatch & write down this data to study sheet. By using calculator, take average cycle time & add allowance with this to get hourly capacity.

For example:

5 Cycle time: 50, 53,51,49,52

Average cycle time: 51

So SMV of that operator= 0.98 (With 15% allowance). It may vary.

Capacity his/her = (60/.98) = 61 pcs.

Take every operator capacity like this & record it.

Then make a capacity graph to see visually where to focus to develop.


Here you can see a demo chart from a sweater unit. Process of making chart are always same for other product also.

 If a line hourly target is 46 pcs then we have to see how many operations have below target line & how many operations have over achievement. Focused on both for maximum production.



The main job in line after balancing is to eliminate or reduce WIP (work in process) at bottleneck operations. To do that you have to know which operations are a bottleneck in the line. Through capacity study and target setting, you will find existing bottlenecks in the line.

Read Also: What is line balancing? Objective of line balancing.

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